Sunday, March 31, 2013


Matt and I enjoyed a nice Easter! We love the nice weather Provo is having right now! It really feels like Spring time. We went to church and then had a nice dinner with my homemade rolls. After dinner we dyed/colored eggs! I always get excited to do this and every year I am reminded that I stink at it. I'm glad the trend on pinterest is to decorate using sharpies so at least some of mine turned out how I wanted them to.
Easter Outfits

shrink wrap eggs


Matt and Kayle Eggs

Matt's eggs

My eggs

All together now

Thursday, March 21, 2013

right now

At 5:58 I was reading blogs, while Matt made naan for the tikka masala I had cooking.

At 7:18 we are both on our computers: Matt's on imgur while I check out facebook and look for a job tomorrow.
I love being married to him.

Monday, March 18, 2013

A few of my favorite things

My sister Allie was in town for her spring break, and decided she wanted to throw a favorite things party. The newest and greatest pinterest craze going on. What we did was every girl brings 3 presents, each gift is the same thing and it can be whatever her favorite thing is,as long as it is under $10.

I gave
1.a bag of reeses eggs
2.a jar of gold glitter
3. a pair of stud earrings.

I got
1.a men's oxford shirt
2.a headband and gum
3. Cookie butter,luna bar, an energy drink

The best pasta salad I have ever made

fruit for the fruit pizzas

most of the presents!

cream cheese roll ups

the group

kaitie and me


my sister allie

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Texas Cookout

My friends Ashley and Chase just got married in December and they live in Salt lake about an hour away,so its always a treat when we see them. They threw a cookout on Thursday night. There was a fire pit,so we roasted hot dogs and s'mores! It was a fun night spent with many Texan friends!

The view

Me and the A's

allie ash and me

The whole group

my love


So a while back I dyed my hair ombre or some people call it a fade or a melt. So my roots are my brunette and it gradually gets blonder near the tips. At first when I dyed it I could really tell a difference in the color,but now I'm used to it so when people make comments I sometimes forget I even have it. Which reminds me of a funny story. A few times while I have been subbing elementary classes, the students will ask me if I dyed the top of my head brown and the bottom blonde. I always laugh a little,because like I said I'm used to the color and I don't think it looks like half and half, I think it is more gradual. It's just funny when a student asks me that and I try to explain what ombre is in kid terms. Just a little gem I want to remember. Here are some pictures of my ombre, so you can judge if you agree with my students on the half and half color or with me thinking its gradual.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Him and Her



him: cupcakes
her: ice cream

him: Virginia 
her: Texas

him: Cruise
her: Cruise

him: ginger ale
her: coke zero

him: duck dynasty 
her: pretty little liars

him: Accounting 
her: Elementary Education

her: Chick fil-a

her: edward

Harley & Jane