Friday, November 29, 2013


My parents are in town and it has been so great having them here. We have enjoyed showing them around Massachusetts. We snapped this picture after we did some temple work in the Boston Temple  and I love how happy we all look. I'll post more pictures later,but for now I'm going to soak up all this family time while I can.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013

I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do of our Halloween especially of the pumpkin carving process. Matt carved a wreck it ralph pumpkin, we dressed up as trekkies, and we decorated our ward's Halloween party. On actual Halloween we went to Chipotle dressed up to get $3 burritos! It was so fun to see all the creative costumes and our burritos tasted wonderful! It was a fun Halloween and we even had trick or treaters come to our apartment which was so fun!  Now we are excited for Thanksgiving so we can see my parents!!

The pumpkin- it was so fragile because of the hair



Spock stare

