Tuesday, February 23, 2016

11 months

One month away from the big birthday! This first year flies by so quickly! Cooper is the light of my life and I don't know how I ever lived without him. He has such a funny personality and he loves to laugh and play. He has always been a big boy,but he just looks like such a boy now with no baby. He has 8 teeth and loves to use them to eat all the time. He hasn't met a food he doesn't like. He sometimes doesn't like the texture of a food at first but if we offer it again he will eat it ( blueberries,grapes,avocado). He also likes to feed himself and doesn't like when I try to put the food directly into his mouth. He loves to have a balanced meal- something in both hands while eating. Haha! He is a great water drinker,but he also has a sweet tooth. We have given him some sweets,but really try  to limit them,because he loves them. He has also learned that if he brings us food we will normally open it and give him some. He can open some containers on his own. He is still breastfeeding a loving it. I'm thinking about weaning,but neither of us are ready at the moment. Coop only wakes up once at night  and normally its after 6 hours of sleeping. Then he will give us another 6 hours. He normally sleeps a total of 11-12 hours at night with 2 naps normally about an hour each for a total of 14 hours of sleep a day. He loves to dance still and has added some new moves. He loves to play hide and seek  and loves to be chased. He gets so excited when he knows we are playing a game with him. He is a book worm! He spends a lot of time "reading" his books and loves when we read to him especially Matt. He knows what to do when Matt asks him if he wants to read a book and will grab one off the shelf then sit in Matt's lap. He can also put stuff away and is learning how to play with his toys better. His comprehension has greatly improved and he definitely understands what we say to him.We are so in love with our boy and each stage is better and better.

Height - don't know no visit  
Weight- 28 ish pounds on the home scale
Head- Don't know- no visit 
Wearing- 18 and 24 month clothes and he is in size 5 diapers
Our doctor says- nothing,no visit 
Theme: Valentine's Day