Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

Normally for Halloween while I have lived in Utah I would go to Breanne's house for a party with my roommates. When she moved Matt and I threw a party,but this year we decided to for go being the party throwers and be party goers instead this year. We went to the Crafts Halloween party and we are glad we did! It was so fun and it was nice to have a chance to dress up. This year we dressed up as Aristocats. It was fun to do a couple costume and to be able to make most of our costume.
The original cats
Kayle cat and Matt cat

At the party

This is us playing the game total blackout. We were blindfolded and we had to guess what 4 secret items were just by touching.
Item #1 - A man's hair

Item #2- Live worms in dirt
Touching the worms

Item #3- Brush (it was taped to the bottom of the container so every time  Matt touched the bristles they would move and make a noise- this item scared me the most!)

Item #4- Mashed potatoes- I knew the texture but its so hard to remember  how you know when you are scared.

 Matt and I won the game! We guessed all 4 items correctly and our time was 1 minute 30 seconds!

Most of the group

Matt was adamant about painting his face- in some pictures it looks like he has a bad sunburn


Cupcakes from Costco!

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