Thursday, November 12, 2015

8 months

Coop is 8 months! I can't believe how fast time is going. He seems more like a little boy than a baby now. He still only has his bottom 2 teeth,but he seems to be teething so hopefully we'll see some top teeth this month. He is a fast crawler and has taken some steps! He loves to pull up on something and than let go and just stand unsupported. He was standing the other day and I said come here coop and he took like 2 steps towards me before falling and since than he has tried multiple times so I think he'll be walking before Thanksgiving. Coop is quite the traveler and has visited Texas, Utah, and Virginia! He has been on 11 flights! He always makes lots of new friends at the airport and on the plane, he is just a little charmer with the sweetest smile. His sleep has gotten a lot better. All the sudden he stopped wanting us to rock/cuddle him to sleep so we now have to let him cry for a few minutes to wear himself out. Normally for naps he will cry for 10 minutes and then I will go in and lay him back down and put in his binky and he will fall right to sleep. For bed time he either falls asleep nursing and we just lay him down or sometimes we will let him cry for 5-20 minutes and check in on him a couple times until he is asleep. He seems to be sleeping between 4-6 hours then anywhere from 2-4 hours until waking up between 7:30-9:30 for the day. He takes 2 naps normally the morning nap is 40-60 minutes and his afternoon is 1-2 hours. We try to do a 2,3,4 rule. Two hours after he wakes up he goes down for his morning nap and then 3 hours later he does his afternoon nap and 4 hours later it is time for bed. We don't always follow this but most days we do. We try to put him down at 8 but if he has a later nap we will push it back. He is still nursing for all his meals but he does have dinner every night and sometimes I will feed him things that we are eating if they are soft enough. He loves puffs and drinking water from his sippy cup. He says mom/mama and up and we're pretty sure he knows what mom means,so I 'm counting it as his first word. He is a curious little bug and loves being independent,but sometimes I will still get cuddles. I love him and watching him grow!

Height - 28 inches - home measurement 
Weight- 27 pounds on home scale
Head- 18 inches - home measurement 
Wearing-12 and 18 month clothes and size 4 diapers
Our doctor says- Nothing, no visit
Theme: Thanksgiving/Fall

He didn't want to lay down

He is so long!

I love the little hand turkey I made from Coop's hand

A few sitting up ones

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