Cooper is one year old and we are entering the toddler years! He has 8 teeth I just felt his bottom molars starting to pop through.We have started to wean from nursing and he is doing better than I thought he would. Once we cut out all daytime feedings he started sleeping through the nights so hopefully that keeps up.He is still nursing when he wakes up and when he goes to bed,but he should be weaned within the next month. He will drink cow's milk if I keep giving it to him but he doesn't love it. Normally he eats a jar of pureed fruit for lunch. Then he will have a snack that varies and then dinner is rice or oats with a jar of vegetables. He also will try a little of whatever we are having. He is still a great water drinker and he loves bubbles aka club soda. He does have a sweet tooth and if he see us eating a sweet he will start saying please until we give in or say no firmly. He is learning lots of words we clearly understand mama, dada, please, hot, cat, jesus,hi, and dog. He loves to point and say dat and gets really excited to show us. He knows what it means when we say wash your hands and will run to the sink. He also knows what it means when we say time to go or outside. He loves to read books and would be happy to do it for hours if we let him. This week he has been sleeping through the night 8-7! He did that 4 out of the 7 nights and if he did wake up it was only once after 7 hours. So I'm pretty happy with his sleep at the moment. He still takes 2 naps normally 1-2 hours in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. Really Coop is so fun and we love this stage he is in!
Height - 31 inches
Weight- 28 pounds
Head- ?
Wearing- 18 and 24 month clothes and he is in size 5 diapers
Our doctor says- He is thriving!
Theme: Birthday
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