Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hair CUT

So today I cut 7-8 inches off my hair. I went to the BYU salon in the wilk. It's really different and I think this is the shortest hairstyle I have ever had. I'm pretty happy with it, I'm just adjusting to losing so much hair.


little poof of a ponytail.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

So this weekend rocked!
Cleaned the whole apartment and did laundry
FREE j dawgs
Hung out with ex roomies
Got all my wedding pictures!!( So now I can post them all over this blog:) )
Ate a SLAB of pizza and...
an Awful Waffle
BYU won!
We miss our parents A LOT

 Love Matt's face, they were supposed to just pretend,but they didn't.
When Matt saw this, he said I didn't realize I was smiling that big. But wouldn't you be if you just married me ;) haha

Us at awful waffle

Ex roomies @ SLAB pizza

Chick fil a for lunch with ash
Saved $20 on groceries/ got our 2 week supply
got a free redbox(Disney's PROM)
Found the most delicious burrito
Matt hugging the redbox for a chance to wear a year's worth of movies.

Had Sam and Dan over
Made homemade ice CREAM(3 cups of cream aw yeah)
Played Blokus
Yummy Ice cream!

Maybe this weekend was so great,because we hardly cooked anything. Don't judge us!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Holy Doppelganger Batman!

Went to a friend's house this past week and saw an interesting "I'm A Mormon" record hanging on the wall. I took a picture of it just for fun. Little by little I started noticing startling similarities between this boy from the 70's and my own cute childhood self. See them for yourself:

70's record boy

Myself (estimated age: 4)

Ok followers, you decide:
I am a time traveler
That is indeed my true doppelganger 
or in true twilight zone fashion, I am HIS doppelganger!!!!

Food for Thought

Hello followers,

This is Matt. Yes, I am posting, and yes, I am awesome.

Kayle and I made a goal to cook lots of different foods and attempt to make things that are actually edible. So far, we have been successful! (to a degree) And more importantly, the food has come out delicious. To entice your pallets, here are some pics of some of our culinary creations:

Broccoli  Cheese Casserole
Despite its somewhat interesting look, it was delicious

Pepperoni and Olive Pizza
My personal favorite so far
Fun Fact: Kayle sliced all those olives herself from whole ones

Spaghetti with homemade meatballs
The spaghetti and sauce were fabricated, nothing special
The key is the meatball: I personally hand mashed the meat, crumb, and egg mixture with love. Delicious

And yes, it was delicious
As will be seen further down, we did not use a traditional sourdough bread
Instead, we made a flatbread recipe (same as pizza dough above) and it turned out great

Now I present to you, with great personal embarrassment, some of our cooking failures:

This is the sourdough that was not used for the bruschetta mentioned above.
This isn't necessarily a cooking failure as much as a bread resuscitation failure.
We bought the stick a week prior to making the bruschetta; BIG mistake
The bread was an absolute rock when it came time to use it
In my infinite accounting wisdom, I thought I could save the bread by running water over it
It didn't work...

Ok followers, you decide! What is it?
I'll save you some time:
This is the failed first attempt of whole wheat bread in our new handy dandy bread maker!
Needless to say, it was not edible in the least bit.
I believe Oster uses a bit of false advertising on their box:
Notice the nice, perfect loaf on the box and compare it to the inedible wheat brick on the right
Well, I guess we'll still buy a loaf from the store this week...

In conclusion followers, our food adventures continue! We've made several other meals that have turned out very tasty too. And maybe we'll even share our secrets with you...maybe.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So blessed

So tonight a miracle happened to us. Matt had a dinner for new PWC interns, so we were driving to the location when all the sudden we see flashing lights in our rearview mirror. I knew I wasn't breaking any laws or speeding,but then I quickly remembered our tags are expired on our license plate! We were just passing by the front of the Wilk,so I kept driving then turned into the parking lot to get off the road and out the way of other cars. Before the cop even got to our car window, I started crying. He came up and asked if I knew what to do when there is an emergency vehicle behind you, I said you pull off to the right. He then asked if I had done that, I explained that I thought you moved off the road,so you weren't in the way of traffic, he interrupted me and again asked if I had done that and I just said no. He went on to explain that you always pull over and that its a state law. He then said I pulled you over because your tags are expired, I explained that we renewed them,but that we haven't received the new ones yet. He asked if we had our temporary one with us and we didn't,because we had just recently taken all of our car information out to try to find our tags and finish the inspection process. He then asked to see our registration and my license and I didn't have either of those,because I thought Matt was gonna drive or that my license was in the car. I'm really crying at this point,because I feel so horrible and I know he isn't just gonna take our word. He takes down some information then leaves. After a few minutes he comes up and he said that it does show that we have current tags and that my license is valid. He then goes on to say that he could give me a ticket for having expired tags, driving without a license,and not pulling over right away. But  he says I'm not going to give you any of those,because I only pulled you over for expired tags and they aren't expired. We thanked him for his kindness and Matt got in the driver's seat.

I'm thankful that we didn't get a ticket and that we did renew our license. I'm VERY thankful for the kindness this cop showed to us and that we were able to enjoy the rest of our evening together.

P.S. We had a thanksgiving feast for the PWC dinner. Best mashed potatoes,stuffing,and byu icecream.
P.P.S Sorry this was so long.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Love is....

When Matt starts flailing his arms and making excited/crazy faces aka dancing to arcade fire's wake up. It makes me smile and laugh a lot. I love having our own place where we can be weird whenever we want. I love him.

Something else that makes me laugh?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Allie!

Today is my sister Allie's 20th birthday! We are only 18 months apart so we have always been super close growing up. Here are just a few reasons Matt and I love her.
She is beautiful.
She is funny.
She is smart.
She is kind.
She has great fashion sense.
She is fun to be around.
She is crafty and creative.
7 reasons+ 13 pictures = 20 memories of al pal!

We love you Allie!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Fun day

Matt and I are LOVING cooking together. We were really scared that we would have trouble cooking good meals,but so far we have tried new recipes and are doing a good job with it. For example tonight Matt  made a delicious roast for us! It was super delicious and turned out great.We also enjoyed the CES fireside where brother and sister Oaks spoke. Some things that stuck out to me:

  • light attracts light
  • everybody counts! the plan of salvation is for everyone 
  • the more we immerse ourselves in the scriptures the more protection we will have
  • guided by heaven our words will find place in the hearts of many
  • the lord is always preparing us for greater happiness
  • our words can bless and change lives

Proof that we can cook!
and this happened:

We wore matching Galveston Island shirts.

As you can see we had a good Sunday!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

lovin' this week

So for starters, we had Monday off for labor day. Tuesday I was at an elementary school for my one class. Wednesday was long, 9 hours on campus long,but one long day is okay each week. Thursday I just had my one math class and I love my teacher,because every class he tells us he looks like Tom Cruise and tells me I'm his favorite student for laughing at his jokes. Friday I have no class, just a social where I get to talk about how fun it is to be an el ed major and eat pizza. Bonus points for Friday Matt and I have a stake social where there is a rumor that there is all you can eat BYU creamery ice cream and to top it off my best friends from freshman year of college are coming to hang out! I LOVE weeks like this.

 Duck pond- FHE activity on Monday night. There was this cute duckling,but it was such a fast swimmer, I didn't get any pictures of it.

Tom cruise? :)
 Freshman Friends @ East High( High School Musical)

 One of my favorite pictures of freshman year.Ko's dad, will quote and sbow and kevin making faces.
Roomie Love

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our apartment

Matt and I are loving living at union square together. It's nice being able to see each more and not having to say goodbye every night. I love that it's only a 10 minute walk to campus for me. Our ward is really great so far, it kinda weird that everyone sits as couples and that we have 4 babies in our ward,but everyone seems really nice and we have been enjoying getting know more married couples.

                     Our living room, the couch and chair are really comfortable.

                      Kinda  shows how small our apartment is,but we love it.

      Our kitchen, Matt said he didn't think we needed a mop considering we only have about 10 tiles in there.
                                                  Bathroom area

                        Storage closet, we love all the storage that we have here!
                                            Bedroom, his and her closets :)
                                              Our beautiful bed.
                        Outside our door, the weather is so perfect right now.