So for starters, we had Monday off for labor day. Tuesday I was at an elementary school for my one class. Wednesday was long, 9 hours on campus long,but one long day is okay each week. Thursday I just had my one math class and I love my teacher,because every class he tells us he looks like Tom Cruise and tells me I'm his favorite student for laughing at his jokes. Friday I have no class, just a social where I get to talk about how fun it is to be an el ed major and eat pizza. Bonus points for Friday Matt and I have a stake social where there is a rumor that there is all you can eat BYU creamery ice cream and to top it off my best friends from freshman year of college are coming to hang out! I LOVE weeks like this.
Duck pond- FHE activity on Monday night. There was this cute duckling,but it was such a fast swimmer, I didn't get any pictures of it.
Tom cruise? :)
Freshman Friends @ East High( High School Musical)
One of my favorite pictures of freshman year.Ko's dad, will quote and sbow and kevin making faces.
Roomie Love
Not Tom Cruise. That is hilarious that he says that, and that you put his picture on your blog. Plus I can just hear you laughing at his jokes your special Kayle laugh. Miss you. Love reading your adventures! Go eat some Brick Oven for me now please.