Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 resolutions

I didn't completely stick to my resolutions last year,because I was adjusting to having a new baby. This year I hope that I will be more successful.

Spiritual- Complete my personal progress again! - I'm the new Young Women's president in my ward so I'm doing again plus I want to do virtue since it wasn't around when I was in yw.

Emotional- Serve more!

Physical- Get to my goal weight! (22ish pounds)- I'm pre baby weight now I need to lose all those extra pounds once and for all!

Mental- Make a budget / Save some money!

Some other fun things I would like to achieve this year are:
Become a better baker /decorator
Read 30 or more books
Get to the temple more
Date my husband more
Spend more time outside

Fall Family Pictures

We took these way back in October but I couldn't post them,because I wanted to use them for our Christmas card picture. This is kinda a photo drop post,but I like so many of them and we are only gonna live in New England for some many falls so I gotta take advantage of these fall colors! We went on Columbus Day with our friends the Stubbs to take these. Cooper and Lilly are just 4 days apart but Coop is a tank and Lilly is dainty. It's fun to see them together  since they are so close in age. 

Cooper's first Christmas

We spent Christmas in Virginia this year. Matt's parents especially his mom was so excited to get Cooper's first Christmas at her house. Coop is the first grand baby on Matt's side so he got a lot of love this Christmas. Matt and I decided that we wanted to do a 4 present rule with our kids: something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. That way we don't go crazy or get stressed trying to buy more and more every year. Another thing to remember for this Christmas was how hot it was! The AC was broken and it decided to be 75 degrees and sunny on Christmas so we had lots of fans blowing and we changed Coop into short sleeves after opening presents. It was fun having Coop running around and being excited to play with all the new toys. I think he liked taking ornaments off the tree the best. He also liked to dance to all the musical decorations nana had out too. Merry Christmas Sweet Coop!
most of the presents were for coop

reading his new book

he wanted my camera 

2 fans

Ancestery DNA- still waiting on Matt's results 

He loved the xylophone- little percussionist like his mama

Picture recap of 2015





