Friday, January 8, 2016

10 months

We are in the double digits! Oh my gosh! Cooper is so fun, he has the best personality and he makes me laugh all day. He is growing so tall! He grew an inch over Christmas break! We came back from Virginia and he could reach things, he couldn't before and he can't stand under the table anymore. He keeps forgetting this and bumps his head a few times daily( nothing serious!) He has 7 teeth! The top 4 took forever to come through and caused him major discomfort and some bleeding from them coming through. We didn't even realize he had another bottom tooth until we happened to peek in randomly. So it seems like the bottom teeth are easier for him than the top. He likes to smile with all his teeth, so we think he will have my smile! Another change this month is Cooper can walk really well now and he is getting quick! His sleep got a little messed up with traveling,teething, and a growth spurt. But now that we are home he is sleeping a little better it seems like he is doing 4-5 hours stretches and he has even slept in to almost 9 a few days! He still takes 2 naps and he sleeps between 1-2 hours at each nap. He is still a fantastic nurser,but he also loves eating food too. His new favorite is cheerios! He wants to eat whatever we are eating and gets upset if we won't share! He says mom whenever he wants something especially food and he gets louder and more frequent with his moms until he gets what he is eyeing. We are doing baby sign language with him,so when he gets worked up and demanding we try to stop and show him the sign for please or more before giving him something. He is such a performer and he loves to look at us for reactions. He still loves to dance and dances without holding on to things now and he does this really crazy head shaking thing when he is getting into the music. He dances to any sound and it's interesting to see what sounds he thinks are worth dancing too like the microwave or a water fountain humming. He loves to play and laugh. He is so curious and bright. I love being his mom and getting to stay at home with him everyday.

Height - 31 inches  
Weight- 25 ish pounds
Head- Don't know- no visit 
Wearing- Some 12 months but they are getting small, so mainly 18 months and he is in size 5 diapers
Our doctor says- nothing,no visit 
Theme: Happy New Year!

little clapping hand
"using" the noisemaker
Love this boy

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