Cooper is 6 months! Half a year already! I cannot believe it has been 6 months since I gave birth to my sweet boy! He is definitely a BIG boy! If people don't comment on his beautiful blue eyes first they mention how big he is! This stage is such a fun one. I love getting to know his personality everyday. He wants to go go go and when he can't he gets frustrated. He is an expert roller and can roll from tummy to back and vice versa. He is started to get up in a crawling position so any day now we will probably have a crawler among us! He can scoot backwards and he loves to stand up! He has his bottom right tooth and it is so fun to see it when he smiles. He does giggle more freely now and he loves his daddy. For our bedtime routine I nurse Cooper as Matt or I read the scriptures if Matt is reading sometimes Cooper gets so distracted because he just wants his dad to look at him and when he does he gets the biggest grin and then tries to crawl to him. I love seeing their sweet bond. Sleep has been better this month. The first 2 nights we gave him solids he slept 6 hours nursed and then slept another 6 hours,but that was only for 2 nights. We recently tried to get him to only take 2 naps so he is more tired for bed and he has been sleeping normally 4-7 hours so a definite improvement over last month. We normally try to put him to bed by 8 and he normally wakes up between 7 to 9 am for the day this isn't including the wake ups at night. He normally naps for 1-2 hours in the morning and then an afternoon nap of 30 minutes to an hour. He eats 2 tablespoons of cereal at night mixed with breast milk and then 1-2 tablespoons of fruits of veggies. He loves apples,bananas,and pears. He would not eat the carrots unless they were mixed into his cereal. We are just starting to give him another meal of solids during the day. He also was sick for the first time this month. It's so sad hearing him breathe with a stuffed nose. He also has been spitting up less too he still spits up a little after nursing but its very minimal. Overall he is such a happy baby and I love being his mama.
Height - 27.5 inches
Weight- 24 pounds and 14.5 oz ( so basically 25 pounds!!!)
Head- 17 inches
Wearing- 6 ,9 and 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers
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