Friday, October 18, 2013

Working in Mass

Trying to get hired in Mass was DIFFICULT! We moved out here in July thinking that would have been enough time to get licensed and hired before the school year started. This was totally not the case. Getting your teaching license in Mass is almost impossible. The principal I work with told me they make the process borderline harassment. When I was first trying to figure out the process of getting license I called the department of education and they told me what license I needed,because there are 4 different one and their website is SO confusing! They also told me what I needed to do to get the license which was : a fee, transcript, and 2 tests. I got all these things done by late July. I found out I had passed the tests in August so I thought it would get my license shortly after that. NOPE!

I started subbing on October 1st and I directly asked the principal want I needed to do to get my license and how to get hired in this state. We looked at the website together and we found out that I needed to get a letter from BYU saying that I completed an educator preparation program and I needed to take 3 MORE tests!

After subbing for only 4 days I was offered a job to be a tutor! I was shocked and grateful. I talked it over with Matt and we decided it was too good of an offer not to accept. So I finished the week of subbing and then on October 15th I started my tutor job. I work with a 2/3 grade class and I teach the third grade Math. I'm in charge of teaching the lesson and grading all the work I give. There are only 9 kids in my group and they are pretty good kids. They are looking to hire a 3rd grade teacher in the future,so I'm so blessed that I have my foot in the door and now I just need to get my license already!

A New England Fall

On Columbus day we decided to head over to Mt. Sugarloaf our local mountain and see the changing fall colors. The one thing I do love about living in Mass is how beautiful it is. You definitely get that storybook feeling sometimes. I always thought Summer was my favorite season,but Fall is working pretty hard to steal my heart. Now for the beautiful colors...