Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Four Months

I can't believe my little baby is 4 months. He is changing everyday, it's so crazy how different he is becoming,but it's also a lot of fun seeing how curious he is about his world. He has started to teeth so that means lots of gnawing on hands and toys and drool! He also gave us his first real giggle, it was as cute I was expecting and I can't wait to try to get more from him. He found his toes and loves to roll on his side. He also can get up on his side from his tummy so any day we are expecting him to roll all the way over.We put him in his own room last night so hopefully that helps him sleep all night we are averaging about 3.5-5 hours at a time.

Height- 27 inches (98%)
Weight- 19 pounds 10 oz (off the chart)
Head- 17 cm (60%)
Wearing- mainly 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers
Our doctor says- He is about the size of an 8 or 9 month old. Super happy that he is growing with just breast milk and says he is proportional in growth. Also said we could start on some soft solids if he is acting like he needs more food.

Theme: 4th of July