Thursday, April 23, 2015


I feel so blessed that so many family members were able to fly to Mass and meet Cooper! My mom came 2 days before my due date and stayed for 2 weeks. My dad showed up the week after my mom got here and Matt's dad came the day after Cooper was born and stayed for the weekend.After my parents left, Matt's mom came and stayed for a week. After Marge left Breanne came for 5 days! It was so much fun having back to back visitors who wanted to help out and hold my new baby. Coop is the first grand baby on the Starliper side so Marge and Paul were over the moon excited to be grandparents and couldn't wait to meet him. I'm the second Miller sister to have a baby so it was my sister Breanne's first nephew from her side of the family, so lots of new titles given to family members. It has been sad not having anyone around for a while so I glad that we will be heading out to see my side of the family in 2 weeks!

grand dad star

3 generations of Starliper men

always napping together

I didn't mean to match coop 

grandma and grandpa miller

My mom isn't a 'baby' person but she did love baby coop


Aunt Brea
We were dealing with car issues while she was here and she was so helpful I'm so glad she was able to make this trip. There is something so special about having your older sister visit you and take care of you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


This Easter was very chill. It was also General conference so we spent the day at home watching as a family. We had a nice dinner where I made the best rolls! I tried to dress Cooper as a bunny but he didn't really like it. We did get some cute pictures of him in a basket with easter eggs. We ate way too many starburst jelly beans and Reeses eggs. It was a good day!

One month

Cooper turned one month on April 5th, which was Easter this year. The first month was hard and so rewarding. We had tons of visitors that month so we only were alone as a family for 13 days. I've never been more tired in my life,but I've also never been more in love either. Here are Cooper's stats at one month:
Height - 23 inches 
Weight - 11 pounds even
Head- 15 inches
He is wearing 0-3 months clothes and he started wearing size 2 diapers.
Our doctor says: Thriving healthy boy,excellent growth and development!

Life with a boy - always peeing on you!

Each month I'm planning on doing a photo shoot with him with a theme. This month was obviously Easter, I had a bunny, easter eggs, his one month sticker and his C.

Baby wearing

I LOVE baby wearing! Before I was even pregnant I was following Solly baby on instagram and knew that I wanted a wrap when I became a mom. I love the idea of having both hands free yet holding my baby close. The solly wrap is a dream, it is so comfortable and easy to use. Cooper always falls asleep while I wear him. I love going on walks with him in it and doing things around the house that would be impossible if I was just holding him. Matt even wears him while he does work on the computer. I hope I enjoy it as much as Coop continues to grow and gets heavier!

First Bath

Cooper was born on March 5th and he had his first bath on the 6th. His first bath at home was on March 10th and it was given by Matt and I. We gave him a sponge bath in the kitchen and we all survived.
This nurse man handled Coop during his bath

We tried a softer approach, he didn't enjoy being cold and wet at first but quickly calmed down.

All clean and bundled up