Monday, November 16, 2015

Trip to Utah- Provo

I only got to be on campus on Saturday,but it was amazing seeing all the changes to Provo! I cannot believe how different it looks now. We made sure to take lots of pictures with the Y. We ate at all our favorite places like Zupas,cocoa bean, the creamery on 9th, and the cougareat. It was nice seeing the new Provo City Temple and the original one as well. We loved being back and wish it could have been for longer!
I know the shadows are bad but I love how you can see the new heritage buildings in the background

I love this mural in the Cougareat

Mamas with their babies

Trying to show the size difference- Liv is 16 months and Coop is 8 months

She is so sassy I love it!

I love this outtake!

Daddies with their babies

Provo Temples!

The sun was so bright,but we love the Provo Temple and were so happy to show Coop it.

He loved the water fountain

Matt took these and I love them so much!

Creamery, I'm still dreaming about that fry sauce.

Coop loved taking a nap in a real crib / Olivia and Coop at the creamery


I miss Kaitie so much, she is seriously one of my best friends! She let us stay with her and it was so fun seeing her!

Zupas!! It is hands down my favorite place to eat in Utah!

Cougareat treats: Chocolate milk and a mint brownie

Cocoa bean- Matt's favorite place!

Trip to Utah- Logan and Salt Lake

Matt had an accounting conference at BYU and I don't like being left at home so I tagged along! It was such a fun week and we were able to see some many friends and visit with family. I didn't know I was homesick for Utah until we landed and I saw those beautiful mountains up close again. We visited Logan,Provo,and Salt Lake. I have a special place in my heart for Utah and I hope we will get to visit there many more times over the years and hopefully Cooper will want to attend BYU one day! The only bad part of the trip was flying! We changed time zones twice and we had a layover. Coop did pretty good,but it is getting harder trying to contain a mobile little boy in such a small space! We celebrated Charlie's 5th birthday with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Party! Cooper's cousin sure love him and they loved playing with him. My nephew Tucker even asked if the next time we move if we could move closer to them! It was so nice seeing them and I don't know when we will get to again so I'm glad we stayed with them and got lots of time with them on this trip!

Early Morning at the airport = sleepy baby

My sleepy boys / Matt's true feeling towards flying with Coop

Temple Square with the Youngs! Baby Turner is so tiny!

Charlie is 5!
Birthday Balloons

Lukey enjoying the presents

Sister Picture


Taking a nap in the pack n play / Cousin Love?

I love these mountains!

Burton!- We love the Bowens and Coop misses having boy buddies back in Mass. Burton used to be so much bigger than Coop since he is 4 months older,but Coop caught up!

Coop loved having so much room to explore and things to pull up on

Happy baby!

love my nephews / cousin Sam

crazy monkeys / oldest and youngest grand babies

Matt with his nephews / Charlie brushing out my wrinkly hair

Trying to change a diaper on a plane / Cafe rio at the airport

Finally back home